Fictitious Firm Name

It is required by law in the state of Nevada that every person doing business in this state under an assumed or fictitious name, that does not show the real name of each person who owns an interest in the business, must file a fictitious firm name (FFN) certificate with the County Clerk of each county in which the business is being conducted.

An FFN may be required before you obtain a business license, so please check with the county and cities where your business will be operated in Clark County. A person doing business in this state without complying with the legal requirements, or having falsely filed an FFN certificate of termination, is guilty of a misdemeanor..

PLEASE NOTE: The filing of a certificate for an assumed or fictitious name does not give exclusive rights to the use of that name.

Where to File

Locations and hours of operation can be found on the Contact Us page. If you have questions, please call (702) 671-0600.


To file for a new fictitious firm name (dba) or renew an existing name, complete the form online and print it out. We do not offer online filing of these documents at this time. You must submit an original form with signatures which we will keep for our records.

Please be aware that all forms have been updated April 2023. Make sure to use the updated forms, we will not be accepting old versions of the forms. In addition, FFN forms do NOT need to be notarized.

Certificate of Assumed or Fictitious Name - Sole Proprietorship - A type of business that is owned and conducted by one natural person.

Certificate of Assumed or Fictitious Name - General Partnership - A type of business that is owned by two or more persons (natural and/or artificial). This form must be completed by each owner (partner).

Certificate of Assumed or Fictitious Name - Registered Business Entity - A type of business that is organized pursuant to the laws of Nevada that has filed formation documents with the Office of the Secretary of State; these entities are required to file an Annual List of Officers or its equivalent.

Certificate of Assumed or Fictitious Name - Trust - Used by either a business trust or family trust to file an assumed or fictitious name under which business will be conducted. This form must be completed by each trustee with a copy of the trust listing all trustees.

Certificate of Assumed or Fictitious Name - Series - A series is a special type of limited-liability company (LLC) created by its parent LLC through an internal agreement for a division (or business unit) to operate separately with its own members, managers, assets and liabilities, business purposes or investment objectives.

Certificate of Assumed or Fictitious Name - Mailing Address and Contact Update - Used to update the mailing address and contact information.

Certificate of Assumed or Fictitious Name - Termination - Used to terminate an active fictitious firm name filing.

FFN General Information - Additional and helpful information when filing or terminating a fictitious firm name.


Clark County code requires that fictitious firm names be renewed five years from the date of filing. Reminder notices will be sent to the most recent mailing address on file with our office approximately sixty days prior to the expiration date.

FFN Search

A search of the records is advised prior to filing. Fictitious Name Search as fictitious firm names are not exclusive.


Please see our Fees page for information on accepted forms of payment.

Note: State law requires that we charge fees for copies and a records search. A number of requests for copies of records are received through the mail, and frequently customers will pay more than what is required by statute. Overpayments of $10 or less will not be refunded by this office except upon specific request of the customer. Requests for refund of overpayment must be submitted in writing within sixty days of receipt date and include the receipt number. If submitted by mail, enclose a return self-addressed stamped envelope with your payment and completed form so that we can mail your receipt and copies to you.

Mailing Address:
Clark County Clerk's Office
Attn: FFN
Box 551604
Las Vegas, NV 89155-1604

For shipping services other than USPS mail:
Clark County Marriage License Bureau
Attn: FFN
201 E. Clark Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89101

For FFN data, please visit our FFN Data File page.