Circuit Analysis and Design, Ulaby, Maharbiz and Furse, 798 pages.
See also "What Every EE Student Must Know" written by EE student Ali Al Qaraghuli, 74 pages.
PDF Downloads are free, student editions of Multisim and Labview Software are available for free at and Hardcopies are available from University of Michigan Publishing at cost of printing, $60-$75.
We are offering these four textbooks to any and all students and instructors interested in using them - along with their companion websites - in courses focused on circuits
(2-semester sequence), signals and systems (2-semester sequence), image processing, and probability for data science.
List of Colleges and Universities whose students have downloaded copies of:
4. Introduction to Probability for Data Science (forthcoming)
With Compliments of the Authors Fawwaz Ulaby, Emmett Leith Distinguished Professor of EECS, University of Michigan Andrew Yagle, Emeritus Professor of EECS, University of Michigan Michel Maharbiz, Professor of EECS, Univesity of California, Berkeley Cynthia Furse, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Utah Stanley Chan, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University
Why Free Books?
Very simple answer: Over the past 30 years, the consumer price index (CPI) increased by 270%. Over the same time period, textbook prices increased by 1000%, almost a four-fold increase compared to CPI?
This free-textbooks project represents a collective effort by the four authors listed below to address the textbook-price problem faced by students, albeit in only one narrow area within only one discipline, but it's a start. Over the past 30 years, we published numerous highly successful textbooks with several publishers, so we decided to combine our efforts behind this new project of making textbooks free for students.
$ Savings For Students
Since its inception in August of 2018, the Free Electrical Engineering Textbook Initiative has saved students an estimated $10 million in textbook costs.
Instructor Resources
Please send an email to to request access to instructor resources. Please specify which of the three books you are interested in.