
For over a decade, this report has provided policymakers with critical information on current and future health financing and spending. Our most recent edition, Financing Global Health 2021, expands on, and adds new estimates to, topics like pandemic preparedness, future health spending, and development assistance for health.

What’s new in FGH 2021?

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Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME). Financing Global Health 2021: Global Health Priorities in a Time of Change. Seattle, WA: IHME, 2023.


Supporting documents

Methods Annex

Table 1: Development assistance for health targeting COVID-19 in 2020 and 2021 by channel and type of assistance

Table 2: Total health spending and health spending by source, 2019

Table 3: Development assistance for health by World Bank income group and GBD super-region, 1990–2019

Table 4: Development assistance for health by source of funding, 1990–2021 Table 5: Development assistance for health by health focus area and program area, 1990–2021

Table 6: Total health spending by World Bank income group, GBD super-region, and country, 2020 and 2050


All our datasets are housed in our data catalog, the Global Health Data Exchange (GHDx). Visit the GHDx to download data from this article.